Little further advance;)
Modeling the body in patplume with the method used to make the hip joint. That means to model the piece from the file 3d, a file of face cut and profile for the proportions.
the pictures, you see the detached parts, then the body mounted with
the head in patplume and the body mounted with the head in 3d printing.
The head in 3d printing is smaller than the modeling head, I do not know what size is right. It seems that my modeling is slightly larger than the reference files.
Maybe i'll have to reprint the head a little bigger to see.
This is what I have for the moment, I will try to move forward a bit.
Still a little further advance;) In theory the quality of the photos is better now :)
Here, what we see on the left is the head of robotica printed at 50%
of its size at sculpteo and on the right the modeling in patplume done
on the printed structure in layer by layer of paper (as seen previously)
The two have clearly nothing in common but it's interesting, it's still two heads, better than I've been able to produce so far.
3d printing, there are several services, I took sculpteo because it is
in France (for shipping costs) and we can upload the piece to test
without buying. The quality is really good and accurate. For this head it cost 12,60 (postage of 5 euros included) against less than 1 euros of material for the head paper and patplume.
the head is reduced by 50%, I had to activate the automatic filling of
fragile areas (if not print there) which makes eyes puffy, filled the
hollows, it is rather funny;). To modify it I think I will remold it and take it out in plastiroc or modeling clay.
So for now I have two heads and a hip joint in latex maché paper.
think that I will model all the pieces in patplume (technique of
modeling used higher without layer by layer of paper) to see what it
gives. Then make them into papier maché, paper texture print.
This will result in a bjd made of paper maché with texture printed on sheet. Only the head will probably print in 3d and I think the hands in layer by layer of paper or in impression 3d has to see.
Paper Layered printing is interesting to me because it gives me a starting base to model on precise parts like the face. And if you can not afford a 3d impression for precise parts, this is a good alternative and it's fun to do :)
For larger, less precise parts, I use the 3d model and the layered view to model, it is faster and it is enough for me :)
This is what I have for the moment, I will try to move forward a bit.