Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More modeling chibi liani doll head and latex skin test

When you are building something, it is very important to have feedbacks. You can ask friends or else, but they are not really reliable. Because if they like you, they will probably say : "AMAZING !" and if they hate you, it will be like : "NO WAY !". Last but not least, if you have friends who hate you : "RUN, they are not your friends anymore ;)"

So here we took a really good bjd doll forum for feedbacks (google translate is your friend ;) :


This forum is full of good advices :) so "release early, release often" ;)

So we had to improve the jaws and the quality of the picture. It seems that we have to put the camera very close to the object to improve the render. In fact, now we can see all the mistakes ;(

So here is the new chibi liani head modeling :

We tried to make a skin test. Plastiroc is often used in bjd doll prototyping but really discouraging for the beginners (hard to work, long to dry). Here to ease the process of sculpting it could be great to model in pat'plume and make a skin in latex.  

It is cheap and fast but it is not as clean as Plastiroc and surfacer.

And here is a previous latex skin test to have an idea :

The chibi liani head modeling has started too. We use blender and we have learned to use it with Neal tutorials and Angela tutorials blenderella. Don't forget to shop if you can ;)

You can improve the .blend file :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Modeling chibi liani doll in patplume

After sketching what you planning to do. Now it is modeling time ;)

So before doing anything, you will have to learn how to model. To do that, you can use youtube or the future tutorial i will put on here ;). For this modeling, i used Berit HILDRE book, her modeling and characters are really awesome, sooo full of live. And i used sculpture techniques -miniature head sculpting of Jordu Schell from Stan Winston School too. But more and more practising are needed ;)

Which modeling materials to use ?
- un pen and a cap pen (really important)
- a knife
- color pen and water paint

Then there are all sorts of materials : clay, dollputty, plastiroc, fimo... that you have to put in oven or not, dry fast, slowly or not.  Here patplume have been used because :
- safe
- cheap
- no oven
- reusable
- paintable
- latex friendly

After hours of hard work, here is the result :

And a finger spinning doll head on Mozart (because it is great and public domain, copyrigths expired)